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Rosalba Fontanez, Altomesayoq

  • Tierra Del Sol 4170 S. Decatur Blvd, C2 Las Vegas, NV 89103 United States (map)

This is a Two Day Event

Day 1 - Rewrite Your Life Story - Saturday, May 4, 2024, 10:00 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Day 2 - Rite of the Womb - Sunday, May 5, 2024, 10:00 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Day 1 - Rewrite Your Life Story

Most of us have had an unexpected or painful experience in our life from which we’ve tried to mine lessons or morals to help us move forward. But sometimes we are not able to find true wisdom because we get stuck in the story of who or what hurt us. Then we use these stories to try to avoid the pain in the future. Yet eventually, the stories hold us back. It is only the wisdom that we cultivate from these experiences - whether it be greater self-love or resilience - that acts as the true light, leading us to new possibilities. Know that you can heal the unresolved pain and trauma from your past. You now have the choice to either accept the life script you’ve written so far, or to edit it, so that you can create a life that fulfills you. 

Past trauma will affect a person’s life in the present. Most times, people feel blocked and unable to remember their traumatic events. Ask yourself: what happened in my childhood, or even before I was born, that is affecting me right now? One of the main aspects of this event is healing your Generational DNA, and the Ancestral Wounding.

You are invited to attend this event in which you will be able to re-write your life story and connect to your authentic destiny.

After completing the course you will be able to:

  • Release negative self-talk and defeating inner sentences

  • Using your body as a divination tool for guidance

  • Gather information from the body's energy field

  • Help relieve many physical and emotional problems by releasing old and/or current traumas

  • Clear generational issues that may be keeping you stuck

  • Learn how to trust your own intuition

  • Balance right and left brain hemispheres

  • Clear heavy energy from your energetic system for healing and transformation

  • Overcome fears/phobias

  • Rebalance chakras and meridians and revitalize your aura

  • Integrate positive affirmations directly to the subconscious mind

  • Enhance self-confidence and self-esteem

  • Strengthen relationships and connections

  • Improve overall wellness

  • Improve finances

  • Independence from self-sabotage - freedom from limitations and restrictions

  • Joy-filled days & peaceful nights!

  • And much More!

Day 2 - Rite of the Womb - Healing Sacred Femininity

The Rite of the Womb is an energetic transmission given by a lineage of the Shipibo Women from the Jungle of Peru. It is designed to release past and present trauma stored in the womb. Men can also benefit from this transmission if their mother, grandmothers, or any other women from their ancestral lineage may have suffered from any past trauma stored in their womb, or if there was any trauma to a man while their mother was pregnant with them in the womb. This energetic transmission is not only used to heal on an ancestral level, but also used to assist women with menstrual and pregnancy concerns, as well, to assist both men and women to be balanced and connected to their sacred femininity, as well with Mother Earth.

This lineage of women reminds us that:

"The womb is not a place to store fear or pain, the womb is to create and give birth to life."

This Rite is installed as an energetic seed in the energetic field of the womb. It starts clearing imprints and healing the energetic trauma of the receiver's ancestral lineage.

Let us heal our entire ancestral feminine lineage: our daughters, sisters, mothers, and all womb carriers to come after them. We all play a part in healing ourselves and bringing peace and harmony to Mother Earth.

The Munay Ki - Rite of the Womb initiation will be offered at the end of this class.

This event will be held at Tierra Del Sol.

Tickets are sold at Tierra Del Sol, through Eventbrite, and via this link here.

Read more about Rosalba’s professional background, click here.

May 22

Spiritual Awakening Group - Phase I